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Terms & Conditions – Neutrogena Super Hydration Duo Contest

We invite you to participate in the contest and stand a chance to win an exciting gift from Neutrogena.

By entering the contest, the participants agree to be bound by these terms and conditions as mentioned below:

Terms and Conditions:

  1. The contest is being conducted by Neutrogena®, JNTL Consumer Health (India) Private Limited [“Organizer”]

  2. The contest will be open and valid from 01/05/2024 12 pm onwards - 31/10/2024 till 11:59 pm.  throughout India except Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Tamil Nadu.

  3. To participate in the contest the Participants need to:

    1. Scan the QR code printed inside the Neutrogena Super Hydration Duo pack.

    2. Answer all the questions in the form correctly and submit the form.

    3. Two correct entries every week will win an exciting gift (Neutrogena product/products) from Neutrogena. The gift is at the discretion of the brand.

    4. Contest winners will be contacted directly via the contact information provided by them in the form within 15 working days from the end of the contest.

    5. If the contest winners do not respond within 48 hours of being contacted, they will no longer be eligible for winning the gift.

    6. The gift will be delivered to the winners within 4 weeks from the date of contact with the respective winners.

    7. This will be subject to the T&Cs, our Privacy Policy: [[>>]](/privacy-policy) and our Data Processing Policy: [[>>]](/dataprocessing-terms-and-conditions) 

  4. By participating in the contest each participant represents and warrants that -

    1. They are legally competent to enter into a binding contract under the applicable laws.

    2. They consent to be bound by the terms and conditions of the contest.

    3. They agree to provide their personal detail including name, age, state, city, address, phone number etc and undertake that the same is true, correct, accurate and complete in all respects and consent for the use of the same by the Organizer in relation to the contest, brand Neutrogena® and/ or gratification.

    4. The participant is authorized to provide such information and consent to use such information by the Organizer.

    5. Participants agree to receive communication(s) from the Organizer relating to the contest and unconditionally agree not to make any claim or raise any complaint against the Organizer in this respect.

    6. You are responsible for all Content (including photos, videos, posts) that you submit, post, or otherwise make available to or through the site/page or on your own feed by tagging our social medial handles. By doing so, you represent and warrant to the Organizer that such content is not confidential and that you have all necessary permission to submit, post and otherwise make available such Content. The Organizer makes no claims to ownership of Content that you submit, post or otherwise make available to or through the site/page or by tagging us on our social media handles. You continue to retain all ownership rights in such Content and the right to use your Content as you determine. However, by tagging our social medial handles on your post you do grant to the Organizer and its affiliates a worldwide, nonexclusive, perpetual, fully sub-licensable, royalty-free right and license as set below:

      • with respect to Content other than photos, graphics, audio, video, or journals that you submit, post or otherwise make available to public areas of the site/page or tag our social media handles (e.g. not intended as a private communication), the license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute , publicly perform, and publicly display such Content (in whole or part) worldwide via the site/page or otherwise, and/or to incorporate it or works in any form, media, or technology now known or later developed; and

      • with respect to photos, graphics, audio, video or journals that you submit, post or otherwise make available to public areas of the site/page or tag our social media handles (e.g. not intended as a private communication), the license to post on our social media pages, websites, use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, publicly perform and publicly display such Content for the purpose (of being used on all Neutrogena® assets) for which such Content was submitted, posted or made available, including for the purposes of marketing and promotion of our products

  5. Participants also acknowledge and accept that the decision of the winning entry by the decision committee comprising of representatives of the Organizer or agency, if any commissioned by the Organizer for the contest shall be final and binding. The decision committee shall select 2 winners each week for the contest as per the criteria stated above. The winning entry shall be selected as per their sole discretion on the decision committee and the same shall be final, binding and non-challengeable.

  6. Organizer shall not be responsible for any entries submitted but not recorded due to any reason whatsoever. Only eligible entries received by Organizer during the contest period shall be included in the winner selection. Any automated receipt confirmation does not constitute proof of actual receipt.

  7. The Organizer shall not be responsible or liable for any delay, failure in transmission of information due to network, technical, electronic failures, negligence of contestant to read announcements/messages or any other conditions beyond the control of the Organizer.

  8. If any part of the Rules herein is held invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of the Rules and any such invalid term shall be deemed severed from the remainder of the Rules.

  9. In the event the winner is ineligible or fails to claim the Gratification or fails to provide confirmation of their addresses when contacted in the time required, the Organizer shall have the right to forfeit their Gratification.

  10. Participation in the contest is discretionary and only purchasers of the Neutrogena Super Hydration Duo are eligible to participate in this contest.

  11. The Participant must read and abide by all the terms and conditions before taking part in the contest. Participation in the contest shall imply that the Participant has read through and agreed to adhere to the terms and conditions in totality and also agrees to be bound by the same.

  12. Any Participant found using any unfair or illegal means will be immediately disqualified. Multiple entries by a single participant for a single pack is not allowed and is subject to disqualification.

  13. Any incomplete, indecipherable, entry by any Participant is liable to be rejected without assigning any reason thereof. Any decision taken by the decision committee for rejecting an entry shall be final and binding and shall not be subject to any dispute or challenge.

  14. One Participant cannot make more than one entry. If more than one entry of a single participant is chosen for Gratification, then in such an event only one such entry shall be considered to the exclusion of others and selection of the decision committee in this regard shall be final and binding. Participants of the contest cannot make entries in the name of any person other than themselves, regardless of whether or not the Participant has submitted their entry.

  15.  All prizes are non-transferable, non-refundable and non-exchangeable for other products or cash, shall be accepted as they are and are subject to any terms and conditions as may be imposed by the Organizer and/or trade partner. All unclaimed prizes shall be forfeited or disposed at the discretion of the Organizer. No other person or agent can claim the prize on behalf of the Participant.

  16. The Organizer does not make any commitment, expressed or implied, to respond to any feedback suggestion and/ or queries of the Participants or furnish any reason for inclusion and exclusion of a particular entry of the Participant at any stage.

  17. The Organizer shall not be responsible in any manner to anyone including the Participants for any unauthorized use or misuse of any entry for a reason beyond the control of the Organizer.

  18. Notwithstanding anything in these Terms and Conditions, the Organizer reserves the right at any time and at its sole and absolute discretion, to substitute, withdraw or cancel any prize without prior notice and without having to disclose any reason therefor and without any payment or compensation whatsoever in lieu thereof.

  19. At its sole discretion, the Organizer reserves the right to cancel, withdraw or postpone the contest without giving any reason or communication, including due to force majeure conditions or otherwise and the Organizer shall bear no responsibility for cancellation or postponement of the contest.

  20. The Contest is not open to

    • persons who have an agreement or contract with any third parties that prohibits them from participating in the Contest;

    • the employees (permanent or contract) and directors, including each of their immediate family members of Organizer, their parent, subsidiary and affiliated companies and

    • advertising and promotion agencies, suppliers of prizes, and persons or entities connected with the promotion of the Contest.

  21. Organizer reserves the right to verify the eligibility of all participants.

  22. No advice or information whether by representations, oral, written, illustrative or pictographic derived through the contest or otherwise shall be construed to mean the giving away of any warranty of any kind by the Organizer or its Affiliates, directors, officers, partners, employees, consultants, agents under the contest or any transaction effected through the contest.

  23. All winners are subject to verification, including without limitation, verification of eligibility through checks as deemed fit by the Organizer which includes but is not limited to complete compliance with the terms and conditions of this contest. The Organizer may verify the details either on its own or through an authorized agency. The Participant shall provide all necessary assistance in such verification.

  24. The Organizer reserves the right to disqualify any Participant or the winner if it has reasonable ground to believe that the Participant has breached any of the terms and conditions.

  25.  The Organizer shall not be liable for any damages or loss including but not limited to any indirect or consequential loss arising from personal injury or death, or loss of property, which might be suffered or sustained in connection with the contest, accept any liability not excluded by law.

  26. Nothing in the contest shall affect the intellectual property right off the Organizer in any product which may be a part of the contest.

  27. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency regarding any instructions, rules, conditions on any advertising or promotional material relating to the contest then in such case these terms and conditions shall prevail over all such instructions rules and conditions.

  28. By entering the contest and providing your personal information, contestants are agreeing to these terms & conditions, Privacy Policy of the Organizer: [[>>]](/privacy-policy) and Data Processing Policy of the Organizer: [[>>]](/dataprocessing-terms-and-conditions)

  29. The terms and conditions of this contest are governed in accordance with the laws of India. All disputes arising out of the contest shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts in Mumbai.